Google Business Profile

Though we often virtually travel around Google Maps, exploring distant corners of the world, our primary search is usually for a specific location, business, or service near us. Thanks to the Google Business Profile listing, your business will be highlighted on Google Maps. This not only helps internet users notice your presence but also increases the likelihood of them visiting your place. Provide your business with visibility where customers are actively looking!

Business Statistics

Using Google My Business, you have access to in-depth insights into your business. You can see what phrases users most often search to get to your business, and how many visits are redirected to your website directly from this listing. What’s more, GMB offers insights into the number of monthly phone calls coming from a specific location giving you a clear picture of the effectiveness of your online presence.

Should I be Interested in a Google Business Profile?

With Google My Business, you have the opportunity to present your business online professionally and attractively to potential customers. Share photos, promotions, and key information about your business. It will definitely make it easier to find your company both in Google Search and on Google Maps, creating an easier channel of communication with you.
On your profile, you can clearly show what your business does and what you have to offer. The key benefit here is the ability to quickly interact with the customer – from a direct message, through address information, the ability to book, route planning, or through a link to your official website.
People who visit your business page also have access to reviews from previous customers and links to your profiles on social media platforms. You can also easily track the activity and statistics of visits to your profile.

What We'll Do

  • Create a Google Account
  • Create your Google Business Profile
  • Add all necessary information
  • Add additional options, such as your service area
  • Define your business category
  • Verify your profile
  • Create a fully functional and ready to use profile

Why It's Worth It

  • A carefully prepared Google Business Profile account helps you get a massive boost in the search results
  • Your customers will find your business or services in an instant
  • You can easily update your contact information and the address of your company. This will help potential customers quickly find answers to their questions

What We'll Do

  • Create a Google Account
  • Create your Google Business Profile
  • Add all necessary information
  • Add additional options, such as your service area
  • Define your business category
  • Verify your profile
  • Create a fully functional and ready to use profile

Why It's Worth It

  • A carefully prepared Google Business Profile account helps you get a massive boost in the search results
  • Your customers will find your business or services in an instant
  • You can easily update your contact information and the address of your company. This will help potential customers quickly find answers to their questions